The St. Michael Group and a Pro-life Prayer
I would like to spread the word about a group, small in number at the moment (about 15 people) called The Saint Michael Prayer Group. It is simply a group of Catholics who pray for certain intentions within their diocese. There are no meetings, etc, and the only thing required to join is that one tries to pray for these intentions on a regular basis (daily, weekly, as often as you want). To my knowledge there is no other prayer group like it. That is, I hope there are some, I just don’t know of any others. The intentions and recommended prayers are as follows:
1. For the disbanding of any satanic and occult groups in our diocese
2. For anyone in our diocese involved in such groups and wants to get out
3. For anyone in our diocese suffering from satanic possession, obsession or oppression
4. For anyone in our diocese suffering from demonic infestation
5. That the actions of the above mentioned groups and individuals in our diocese who practice such things, would be mitigated or come to naught
6. For all married couples, families and all children
7. For the closing of all abortion mills in our diocese and that their finances would dry up
8. That those involved in the homosexual lifestyle in our diocese would be converted, and that any homosexual subculture in our diocese would disband
9. For those considering abortion, that they do not go through with it
10. For those who have had an abortion, and for anyone who is or has been involved directly or otherwise in abortion, for their conversion.
Recommended Prayers (others may be added, especially the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet):
Apostles’ Creed
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be…
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle…
If you would like to join, or have any questions, just send an email to asking to join. You could pray for those intentions anyway, but sending an email simply allows the group to keep track of how many people are praying in unison for the above intentions. No need to give your name even, just an email with something like “sign me up!” in the subject line will do.
Finally, speaking of prayers, I post here a very good prayer for the closure of an abortion mill. May God bless all of our pro-life endeavors!
Prayer for the Closure of an Abortion Mill
Father in Heaven, we ask You, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and begging her intercession, and in the Name of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, that just as Jesus cursed the fig tree and it withered, that this abortion business and it’s finances be cursed, that this abortion entity wither and die, and that it never return under any form what-so-ever, forever.
But convert those who work here or come here for any reason, and we pray for those who have died here and for those that may, and for any that die or are hurt in anyway because of this business.
Blessed Mother, claim this land as your own. Cover it in your mantle, and in the Precious Blood of Christ, and hide it in His holy wounds. Oust the Evil Spirit and all demons from this place. One sigh alone from you to your Divine Son is enough to secure that this place yield no more death. Destroy this business and all its finances; let their finances dry up, and save the souls associated with this abortion mill. We ask all of this in Jesus’ name, believing in His words, “Whatever you ask in my Name, that I will do.” Amen.
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